The largest amount of magnesium in your body is in bones. The rest is deposited in our muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood. Every cell in our body contains it and it needs it to function. Therefore, it is important to have a balanced intake of this mineral because it is very significant for our health. Therefore, we’ll point out 3 benefits of magnesium that are important to our health and well-being.
1. Importance Of Magnesium For Our Health

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body and plays a key role in the health and functioning of the entire organism. We present to you the scientifically proven health benefits of this mineral.
2. Biochemical reaction

Magnesium is found in soil, water, plants, and animals – as well as in the human body. The main role of this mineral is that it is a cofactor in biochemical reactions such as the creation of energy, protein, muscle movement – and it is also responsible for the creation and repair of DNA and RNA.
Unfortunately, research has shown that more than half of the world’s population does not consume the required daily amounts of this mineral. Perhaps the easiest way to get it is through a proper and balanced diet. Foods such as green leafy vegetables, seeds, and whole grains, fruits, and seafood – can meet your body’s need for magnesium. However, if you still have an insufficient intake of this mineral – you can compensate by taking supplements.
3. It is good for bones and muscles, helps with exercise, and has anti-inflammatory properties

We already know that magnesium is one of the basic elements needed for the proper development of bones and muscles. This mineral is also very important when we expand our muscles and bones. Namely, during training, we wear our bones and muscles more – so we need a slightly higher intake of magnesium. It brings sugar to the muscles, so we’ll have more energy – and it also helps us to have better results during training. This mineral is also helpful with inflammation problems as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Therefore, products containing magnesium chloride are also recommended, such as Osimagnesium foot cream – which will affect the management of body fluids. This can help with painful swelling of your feet – as well as cramps to which exercisers are often exposed.
You should also know that a lack of magnesium in the body can be associated with chronic inflammation – but also with obesity and chronic diseases.
Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance

Numerous scientific studies have shown that almost half of people who have type 2 diabetes – also have a reduced amount of magnesium in their blood. This affects the ability of insulin to keep sugar levels under control. That is why a balanced intake of magnesium is of great importance.
Also, magnesium is an important ally in the fight against insulin resistance – which is a very common health problem today. Insulin resistance is a leading factor in the development of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. It is categorized as the inability of muscle and liver cells to properly absorb sugar from the bloodstream.
Magnesium plays a key role in this process.
The Bottom Line
Magnesium is a completely safe and essential mineral for good health. However, keep in mind that you should consult your doctor about taking magnesium if you suffer from some chronic diseases. If you are taking certain diuretics, heart medications, or antibiotics – check with your doctor before taking supplements or products that contain magnesium.